Dante's Desire (New Immortals Book 2) Page 2
“I can smell your desire.” Dante said.
Her face hardened despite the blush on her cheeks. “All demons are good looking. It’s a cultural trait.”
Dante’s eyes flashed red. “You do not find other demons good looking... at least you shouldn’t if you wish them to live.”
Jessica’s jaw dropped. “I had no idea demons were so arrogant.”
Dante’s eyes flickered. “Is that what I am?”
Jess watched in fascination at the fire that burned behind the red eyes. She had met a few demons, and they had been cold in every sense of the word. Dante’s eyes, his presence, scared her but she would never let that insecurity show. Not now. Not ever.
Dante frowned. “I have told you I could never hurt you, yet I sense your fear.”
Her hand touched the butt of her gun. The ridges of the engraving on the handle had always offered her a sense of security, yet held none now. “I am quite capable of defending myself.”
Dante motioned toward her weapon. “That will not hurt me. The question is... will you?”
Her heart stuttered. She couldn’t answer him. Her fingers closed on the weapon. Her only defense. She tried not to let her relief show when Valentino strode in the room with Laura and Jenner trailing behind him.
“Dante, we have a situation,” he said with irritation.
Dante turned to his brother. “What has happened?”
“A demon I don’t recognize has contacted me through the common pathway.”
Jess frowned. “What’s that?”
Dante looked at her. “All demons have a connection to Valen if they wish it. They may talk to him at will but any demons close to Valen will hear it. I am surprised I did not.”
Valen waved a hand. “You know this time is difficult. Your perception will be off until you...” he glanced at Jess. “Secure what is yours.”
Dante nodded. “I understand. What did the demon say?”
Valen glanced up through the vibrant colors of the stained-glass window that accented the large entrance hall. “That we are under attack.”
Jess followed Valen’s gaze. “What kind of attack?”
Valen looked at Laura’s upturned face. “A missile will hit us in thirty seconds.”
Laura’s hand caressed the face of her husband. Jess had seen enough goodbyes to recognize this one. Even a demon couldn’t withstand a direct missile strike.
Valen kissed Laura’s forehead. “I am sorry my love.”
Jessica’s mind raced. “There has to be a way to disrupt the signal.”
Dante and Valen looked at each other, then her.
“What?” she snapped.
“He says that you may possess the ability to stop it.”
“No, I...” Her mind raced. Nobody knew what happened. “I possess a low level of telekinetic ability... well it was low until a few weeks ago.”
Dante moved toward her. “Is it strong enough to disrupt the rocket?”
Jess shook her head. “It flared out once and I haven’t used it since. I honestly don’t know.”
Valen inclined his head to Dante.
Dante took Jessica’s hand. “Jessica, I need you to connect with me. Lower your shields and let me help you.”
“I don’t want you in my head,” she blurted.
“I will not see your memories. I will only assist you with accessing your telekinetic abilities. I cannot bypass your natural shields.”
“I don’t know how to lower my shields. I thought they were always a part of me. That’s why the PIA wanted me.”
Laura stepped forward. “I thought that too at first. Until I connected with Valen, I didn’t realize that I had complete control over my shields. I visualize my mind as a castle. The shields as the battlements that surround it. You can lower the outer shields and keep your mind private.”
Jessica’s eyes narrowed. “Can they be put back up? Once I give him access, will he always have access to my mind?”
Laura swallowed. “You can put them up but Dante will have a secure pathway to your mind.”
Jess looked up through the colorful window that filtered a multicolor of rays to the white marble floor. “All right, show me how to do this.”
Dante squeezed her hand. “Close your eyes and envision the castle Laura mentioned.’
She took a deep breath and did as he asked. Her mind formed a Scottish castle with flags that billowed aggressively in the savage wind that surrounded it. She could feel Dante smile.
“That’s good. I like the flags. Now lower your shields.”
The turbulent skies around her castle stilled. The flags lowered as the wind died to leave them hanging against the poles in which they were mounted. “Okay.”
Dante’s form walked up to her as she stood atop her castle. You have complete control here Jessica. You and you alone can call forth the power and aim it to the sky.
If I knew how. I would have done it already. She felt and heard the irritation in her voice.
Look to the castle Jessica.
Jess looked back at the ancient castle. She could see a green glow flicker through a window. She attempted to connect with the power she saw there. Nothing. I can’t. I see it. I can feel it. I just don’t know how to control it.
She heard Jenner’s voice as if he were miles away. “It’s too late.”
Her mind flared knowing that she would fail. That she would die. That Maddie would pay the price. The green fire exploded through the castle, engulfing everything in its wake. She opened her eyes as the shield flared out distorting her surroundings.
The missile hit, exploding against the unseen force, reigning fire down onto the now burning mansion and surrounding shrubs. Pink Mimosa trees shriveled and turned black as the fire burned out as quickly as it had exploded.
She felt Dante grab her, steading her as her power died off. The entrance hall remained unscathed as the rest of the mansion burned.
Jenner looked at her in awe. “Jesus Jess. There is nothing in your file about you having even a low level of telekinetic power.”
Jess rubbed her head. “As a kid the most I could do was stir a spoon in a cup. Then it went away completely until a few weeks ago.”
“What happened a few weeks ago?” Jenner asked.
Jess shook her head. “I can’t explain it. I was working a case, and I got a splitting headache. It was like my head was being drilled into. Then I heard words. Things that made little sense.”
Jenner looked concerned. “What did the words say?”
“They were hollow. Far away. I could only make out a few of them. Prince... I’ve been assassinated... help.”
Jess felt the change in the room. She saw the shocked look on Valentino’s face as her body crumbled. What have I done now?
Chapter 2
Jess woke to the sound of emergency vehicles and the taste of soot in her mouth. She rolled onto her stomach, clutching the grass in her fingers. A warm hand rested on her back.
“Stay still Jessica. Let your mind acclimatize to the recent events.” Dante said.
She was about to reach for her weapon when the memories flooded her. Each event another nail in her coffin. She put her forehead to the earth, letting her stomach settle. Dante rubbed her back in a gentle circular motion. The caress both soothing and heartbreaking.
She looked to the side as firemen sprayed the smoldering mansion with water. Had she done this? Why would PURE attack while she was there? Why not give her time to complete her mission? She tried to think but her head was a mess.
She struggled to push herself up when she saw Kiki exit a PIA patrol car.
Jenner’s face turned to rage the moment he laid eyes on her. “Jesus fuck Kiki. You’re supposed to be on a scouting exercise.”
Kiki gave Jenner a dirty look. “There’s nothing that exercise can teach me. I want to know who the FUCK took a shot at Laura.”
Jenner blew out a breath. “We don’t know. Fortunately, we had a warning and a...” He glanced at Jess. “A
deactivation device.”
Kiki looked around. “This was not deactivated it was detonated prematurely.”
Jenner rubbed his jaw. “Yup.”
Kiki’s eyes narrowed. “You can tell me now or Laura will...”
Jess cleared her throat. “It was me Kiki.”
Kiki frowned. “What? How?”
“I have some TK ability.”
Kiki eyes widened. “Some TK? You blew up a missile while protecting everyone inside the mansion. Am I missing something?”
Jenner shook his head. “Nope. We are all pretty lucky her talent surfaced when it did.”
Dante looked at Valen. “I do not believe it surfaced randomly.”
Jenner looked away. “Yeah well, let’s keep that fact among ourselves for now.”
Jessica’s eyebrows shot up. “You won’t inform the PIA?”
Jenner looked at her. “Not yet.”
Jess swayed on her feet, giving Dante a dirty look when he put his arms around her waist to steady her. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Jenner nodded then turned to Valen. “Who was this demon that warned you. His name was Ladon?”
Valen pulled Laura closer to him. “I believe he considers his species a Ladon but I have never heard of such a demon.”
Laura touched Valen’s chest. “I’ve heard that name before but I can’t remember where.”
Jess extracted herself from Dante’s grasp, noticing his amused smile. “There’s a chain of Casino’s called the Ladons Lair. We have one in Seattle”
Dante smiled at her. She felt her chest squeeze and her insides heat. No man or demon should have a smile that sexy.
Dante turned back to Jenner. “There is a Ladon in Greek Mythology. It references a serpent like dragon with multiple heads that guarded the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides.”
Jenner held up a hand. “You can stop with the history lesson. I doubt a demon would have an interest in Greek lore.”
Dante raised an eyebrow. “There was a time we had an interest in man’s history. I found mythology to be vividly entertaining when I was a boy. Demons lose interest in such things but perhaps one has remembered his childhood affections.”
Jenner looked skeptical. “Dragons. Really?”
Dante shrugged. “Demon children like to imagine themselves to be knights and dragons. Not unlike human children.”
Laura smiled at her husband. “You and your brothers played knights and dragons. Tell me who was the knight and who was the dragon?”
Valen cleared his throat. “Surely we could discuss this in a more private setting.”
Laura’s face dropped. “I just lost my home. I could really use something to smile about. A small Valen pretending to be a knight sounds really appealing right now.”
Valen’s face softened. “My love, we will fix all that is broken. All that matters are the people we are standing with. Only family matters, besides, I was the dragon, and Dante was the Knight.”
“Where was Rico?”
Valen coughed uncomfortably and glanced at Dante.
Dante laughed, then stopped abruptly like he had surprised himself. “Rico was young, we put him in a sack and put a ribbon around his waist. We pretended he was the princess that needed to be rescued.”
Laura put her hand over mouth. “No.”
Valen smiled. “Oh yes, my father was not impressed, and he reprimanded us.”
“Was Rico upset?”
Dante shot his brother a warm smile. “No. My mother thought he was adorable and played with him for the rest of the day while we did chores. Ultimately, the princess outwitted both the dragon and the knight.”
Kiki smirked. “I love that story.”
Jess looked around the smiling faces of those around her as the mansion crumbled behind them. They gave no thought to the riches that were lost. The vice in her stomach twisted tighter.
Jenner glanced over as a PIA officer called to him. “I have to get back to work. I will check out the Ladons Lair Casino chain. We have one opening here in two months but it could be a coincidence. They’ve been around for years. I’ll make arrangements for your new lodgings.” He looked at Jess. “Are you okay? That was one hell of a display.”
Jess nodded. “I’m okay.”
Jenner nodded. “The residual TK blast took out most of the fire but Valen, you have some major renovations to do before Laura can go back there.”
Valen nodded. “The only thing that matters is my father’s artwork, and that is already on its way to the museum for restoration.”
Jess shook her head as a wave of dizziness hit her. “Art work?”
Dante put his arm around her. “It’s a family heirloom. I will show it to you soon.”
She tried not to be affected by his warmth. His affection. He was the opposite of the few demons she had met. She needed to get away from him if she was to complete her mission. She pushed away. “I’m good thanks.”
Dante was struggling to keep his outward appearance calm. Everything in him said he should carry Jess away and make her his. He couldn’t ignore the immediate threat. He needed a safe environment to woo his mate and his home had been demolished. He resisted the urge to speak with Valen telepathically. He needed Jess a part of everything in his life going forward and didn’t want to connect with her mind while she was weak. He recognized that Jess would not appreciate him seeing her in such a condition. “Valen can you single out the mental pathway of a species. I mean target this Ladon and any other minds that have the same mental signature?”
Valen looked at Dante his mind clearly working to segregate the last visitor in his mind. “That is an excellent idea. I believe the last demon to posses this power often talked to the warrior demons without including the commons in the conversation.”
Jess held up her hand. “What are warrior and common demons?”
Laura looked at Valen. “Yeah, I would like to know that too.”
Dante turned to Jess. “Warrior demons are a sect of demons that have chosen to protect all the other demon races. At that time in our history, blood demons were the ruling class, royalty. The warriors only took orders from the Royal family. The commons are a simple term to class all other demons regardless of race. The commoners at the time.”
Jess looked uncomfortable. “Your royalty?”
Dante glanced at Valen then nodded. “Valen is the first prince of our people. He alone has the power to touch all demons regardless of race. I am the blood guardian. As the second born prince, my mandate is to protect Valen and the demon people. The last blood guardian also oversaw the warrior race.”
He didn’t like the fear and regret that flickered over her face. “Where are the warriors now?”
“Like all demons they retreated from the world after failing to find their other half. There hasn’t been a true prince in centuries and Valen didn’t announce himself until a few weeks ago.”
Jess touched the holster of her gun. He noticed she did it when she was nervous. “I think you should find out what the Ladon is.”
Dante nodded. “I agree. Would you like to be with Valen, Laura and I when we connect with the Ladon.”
Jess startled. “How. I mean I can’t...”
Laura touched her hand. “You can and trust me it’s beautiful.”
Dante smiled at his sister-in-law; thankful he could feel genuine love for Valen’s bride. It was obvious Valen had told her Jess was his. Laura was trying to make the new PIA agent feel comfortable around them.
Jess swallowed. “Okay.”
Dante inclined his head. “Take my hand. I will connect us to Valen and Laura. Lower your shield and allow me access to your mind.”
She closed her eyes. Dante found himself atop the Scottish castle with the wind blowing savagely around it. She was standing atop the castle in her full PIA gear. Even here she would not let him see her. Dante approached her as the wind picked up intensity.
You are safe here Jessica.
It’s strange having you he
re. I didn’t know this was possible. I’m not like Laura. I don’t read minds.
No, put your talent is strong. It is not easy for me to make the bridge to my family.
What do I do?
Let me in Jess. Let me see you. Let me show you my world.
Dante waited. For a moment he thought she would say no. Then the wind died and her attire wavered, morphing into soft jeans and a simple white t-shirt. That’s good. Valen we are ready.
Valen’s mind opened up, and he found himself outside the orb that rested at the heart of Valen’s mind. Shards of power radiated out ward, surrounding them in a feeling of acceptance and warmth.
Oh my god! Jess messaged.
It truly is beautiful; I could never experience it before. Thank you, Jessica.
Why are you thanking me?
I will explain it to you later. Valen take what power you need. I will remain with Jessica outside the orb.
Dante felt Valen and Laura move inside the orb. It reacted by throwing blinding light in every direction. The outer shields of Valen’s mind reflected like mirrors causing a cascade of light that appeared to go on forever.
Dante knew the moment Valen got the frequency of the Ladon. The orb went dark. Hundreds of tiny white threads appeared connected to the dark orb. Dante hadn’t understood the complexity of the orb until he saw the individual threads for what they were. Demon lives and there were over a thousand of them.
Valen’s voice boomed out. I am the prince. You call yourself the Ladon. I am unfamiliar with your species. How have you come to be?
Hundreds of threads snapped, causing a backlash or pain that made Valen growl. Those that denounce me are segregated from the demon species. You will have no bride. No mate. No future.
A single thread intensified. You have surprised them.
You are the one that warned me? Who are you? The pain in his voice was clear but his power continued to radiate through the orb.
We are the Ladon. Many heads. One purpose.
What is your purpose? Valen asked.
To destroy you.
Dante’s demon roared. He felt the ripple of power as his consciousness connected with the orb. Why kill Valen. He is the true blood prince.